Saturday, June 14, 2008


Summer has officially begun. I've started working and I'm constantly exhausted. I noticed to day that I think I'd do a really good job as a manager at the snack bar... I mean, I can read pretty well into situations and it really wouldn't be that hard.... plus I know how to cook pretty much everything. I'm getting paid either way, so it doesn't really make that much of a difference.

I SHOULD be starting my summer work but I really don't feel like it. At all. But my goal is to finish before the end of June, but right now I'm just focusing on saving up for a car... hopefully an old porsche 911 (see pictured), but we'll see. Isn't it adorable though?? That's a 1979 911, it's sooooooooooooo cute. I love them so much. *cough* but anyway, I might also go to the Coldplay concert in August with a friend from work, but I'll have to see if I can get tickets. Fingers crossed!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Sorry... Again.

Sorry I haven't posted recently it's just I FINALLY have free time again, so I decided that I would use it for stuff other than writing on the blog. I took the AP Government test, which I think went really well, like better than I expected. I probably got a 4 or 5.... I got an A on my graphic design final, which I turned in almost a week late, so I still have a high in that class. The only thing I really have to worry about now it just, doing my homework, and passing my chemistry class. I should be fine.

I finished watching the entire Rurouni Kenshin anime and the two OVAs. It only took me two months... The first two seasons of the anime brought back serious nostalgia, but the third season was sorta... well... not really that great. The last story arc was really stupid and it sorta had a "Whoops we ran outta paper, guess we have to end the series" ending. The first OVA, Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal, was AMAZING. It was so beyond sad, and was exactly like the story was in the manga. I seriously wanted to cry. The second OVA though, Samurai X: Reflections, sorta irked me. It really jumped away from the original plot, like in totally random ways. It felt like I was watching an animated fan fiction of what a crazy, angsty, Kenshin x Kaoru fan would've wanted the series to be like. Kaoru was too well, understanding of how Kenshin was still in love with Tomoe and his unsatiable need to wander. Plus Sano was randomly in China... I mean what the heck?

Whatever though. I spent about 10 hours yesterday clearing out and refilling my Zunebabeh. Because of the settings I had, there were lots of double songs taking up priceless space, so I copied all the music I could, then wiped it. I also associated album art to EVERYTHING. So it actually looks like I bought the music, which I did. It was just the old software wouldn't let you change album information (it does now, which is part of the reason why I chose to do this yesterday) so whenever I took music from iTunes, wrote it onto a CD and put it on my laptop again, it associated it all on one CD, even if it was a bunch of completely unrelated songs. That pissed me off so I had to fix it. And I did. I even made album art for the songs that they didn't have album covers for.

Another positive of my life cooling off is that I've had time to go out with my friends, and not be studying. I went and saw Iron Man again (I had already seen it with my parentals the saturday it came out) and it was even more epically awesome, plus I got to see it with a bunch of my besties, which made it even more fun. It was the most incredible movie experience EVER. First of all we showed up 10 minutes before the movie started. Turns out it was a sold at show. There were four of us so we split up to find seats. My friend Ali and I went one way while Stephanie and Angela went another. Angela and Stephanie found primo seats together two rows from the top, a little to the left of the center. Then, the couple next to them moved and we got to all sit together. Dead center. Third to top row. In an entirely digital theater. It. was. AWESOME. Now I'm on a mad hunt to find a Iron Man poster to put on my door.

Oh, just a random little thing before I go, after the movies we went to Border's to wait for my mom. I went through magazines and I found the duPont Registry for the Exotic Car buyer. Now, I always have had a serious car fetish. I LOVE foriegn, expensive, FAST cars (i.e. Lamborghini, Porsche, Ferrari, the usual). It's my life goal to make enough money so I can buy MULTIPLE expensive sports cars. I knew that the magazine would be fun to look at and maybe I could cut pictures out or whateber, but what I wasn't expecting was that there'd be ads for PRIVATE JETS. Like, to buy one... or for "Model Matchmaking for Serious Affluent Men". All I could think was "Woahh... I wanna make enough money to shop for private jets in a magazine..."

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Sorry, to anyone who actually reads this, that I haven't posted recently. I've just been really stressed. Since tennis started, it's like the heavens opened up and let down more rain than we've seen ALL YEAR. Because of this misfortune, several matches have been postponed, until, the last two weeks. I've gone to around ten matches in the past two weeks, which combined with tennis practice and Mr. Morris blowing a gasket with the AP test coming up, I've been completely swamped. I'm stressed beyond recognition.

Good news though, is that I got into National Honors Society. Along with that, I just realized (because out of school I'm completely slow) that one of my main competitors for valedictorian (not my only competitor, but the most threatening) will be graduating next year instead of in 2010, which means she won't be in my class. I have no idea why she wants to do that, but, whatever. She obviously has a plan.

I also won my mixed doubles match in tennis today. My and my partner Jordan won 6-0, 6-0. It really isn't that impressive, since the people we were playing had only been playing for four weeks. They did really good, considering. The guy had a WICKED fast serve.

But on the outside of all this school stuff, I really wish I had more free time to start doing some crafty stuff. I wanna make a cool cover for my USB drive, a speaker pillow, and start practicing sewing so I can make a costume for Otakon in August.

Beyond that, I have two graphic design projects due in a reasonably short period of time, an enormously hard AP test that I have to study my sorry butt off for, and a completely time consuming sport that is exhausting. I cannot wait for summer, but oh, wait, I'm gonna have to work my butt off all summer so I can afford a car. Whoopdee do.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ugh, headache >.<

We had tennis practice today, for the first time in a while (it's been raining a LOT) but I'm really tired now and I have a major headache. I feel a little emo today, I really don't feel like doing much of anything. I'm probably just gonna go watch TV and do some homework. Oh but I think I'm gonna start another blog soon. It won't replace this one, but it should be fun. I'll put a link on here when I set it up. Well I'm gonna go.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


So, today was Easter Sunday which, in my heathen ways, means I searched for eggs and got major money and candy from my family. On the plus side though, I am no longer broke! WHEEE! *cough* Okay, so last night I had the most gorey, disturbing, rated-R dream I think I've ever had.... EVER. It involved Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin BEFORE he vowed not to kill anymore. Sorta based off the OVA except BEYOND that level of gore. *shudder* Yuggghhh it was beyond gross. I think I'm scarred for life... but it was a very intriguing dream... probably because I am so in love with Kenshin :]

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Combine with Modern Dance to Witness Internal Combustion

So, last night I went to see this modern, dance... thing. It's called Shen Wei after the name of the man who invented the idea of it. I'm still not exactly sure what was going on, but I know it involved dancers flailing around on a huge canvas wearing socks on their hands covered in paint. I dunno....

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Springy Break

Spring Break started on Friday, with a resounding putter. I intended to finish all of my government homework on Friday, along with other things, but instead I watched my sister play Super Mario Galaxy on our Wii for around three hours. Then she finished, I ate lunch, and I played Super Smash Brothers Brawl for another two and a half hours until tennis practice. I played really well in doubles but totally bombed in singles. Then I went home, ate dinner, and played Smash Brothers for another two hours, then went to bed.

Today, I got up, went to tennis practice (I was the only top ten girl there, unfortunately, even though I'm ranked aorund 5th or 6th) but fortunately I won my singles match. After that, we drove up to Baltimore to this place called Holibard's Sportscenter. It sells mainly tennis gear along with other obscure sports equipment. They even have a tennis wall where you can demo rackets.

The one problem with this store is that it's insanely complex to get anything done, you order rackets in one place, get help in another place, and pick up demo rackets in a third place, and pay in another. So I felt like a moron the whole time, until I finally found a racket that felt good to demo (which I found on my own without help), which I got. I also got a pair of match shoes that are the team colors, along with some new grip tape. We came home and chilled for a while, then went to Smokey Bones for dinner. Afterwards, we went to Sports Authority to see if they had the same racket for cheaper (they didn't) and then went next door to Target to get me another tennis skort and some ear buds for my Zunebabeh, since my old ones have been on the fritz. I'm not sure if I like these new ones either though.

Oh well, it's late, so I'm gonna watch some old, classic, amazing anime (Rurouni Kenshin for those who care... actually no one cares, since almost no one reads this blog) that my new really good friend Ali lent me, and start on my buttload of government breakwork. I'll write later!

Friday, March 7, 2008

And the Crisis Ends...

I finished my extra credit project for Chemistry late last night, and now I have an A in that class! This like, totally energy boosts my mood. Now I have straight A's again. Now I have to decide what I'm gonna do for my Graphic Design project, which is we have to make a comic book. I'll probably post pictures on here of my ideas and see what sorta response I get.

This week also marked the start of tennis, which involves more physical activity than I have every performed in my ENTIRE LIFE. We didn't have it today because it was raining. My whole body still hurts though. Ugh. Okeedokee, I'm gonna go start my government project so that I'm not in a time crunch tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Looking Upwards

Recently, I've been having a lot of trouble with Chemistry. I honestly, just haven't understood the chapter we're currently working on. But today, things are looking up. My teacher explained everything I wanted to know, so now I understand most of the chapter, she put in my extra credit so my grade's up to an 85, which I will definitely be able to jack up to a 90- something so I can get all A's again. She also announced what the extra credit essay is so I can start working on it and get some more extra credit. Now I'm about to start studying so I can ace the test we have tomorrow (supposedly it might be postponed until Monday, we'll see though).

Last weekend, the day of the Oscar's, my Dad and I went and saw No Country for Old Men, which was incredible and definitely earned the honor of Best Picture. The bad guy in that movie was crazy creepy. His main weapon through the movie was some sort of oxygen tank that shot gas into people at super high speeds like a completely silent gun. It was sooooo weird, but amazing at the same time. I definitely recommend it, even though it had a sort of Sopranos-ish ending.
Okay, I'm gonna go study for Chemistry, and hopefully go to bed at a decent hour.

Monday, February 18, 2008


I'm a little stressed out right now. I have a Japanese Test tomorrow, I have to finish some sort of an art project, I have a field trip on Wednesday (which I'll have to miss a test for), and I have a C in chemistry cause my teacher gave me a zero for something I definitely did. For those reasons, I'm shredding a little in the mind. I can't get a C in chemistry. It just can't happen.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Coolie Oolie

I saw "There Will Be Blood" today with my Dad during my sister's DI meeting. It was the weirdest thing. It wasn't a really defined story line (it just oversaw this one man's life), but it was still an amazing movie and it kept my attention the entire time. Daniel Day Lewis was amazing, as always, in the movie. He's such a good actor, you can't imagine him as portraying any one else, even though he's done a great deal number of other movies. I definitely recommend it. Next weekend my we're going to see "No Country for Old Men" since we both love the Coen brothers, who wrote and directed it. I'm excited.
I'm still on my Alice in Wonderland stint. Today I made an Alice in Wonderland shrinky dinks necklace (nothing better to do). I love the Alice-Reggie pairing sooo much, so do all my friends, which makes it all the better. My friends have different interests so its good to have something we can all relate to. Tomorrow I most likely won't update, I have an orthodontist appointment and I'm getting my new "The Looking Glass Wars" book. I'm excited!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Almost sick.... Again.

I think I'm getting a cold again. My throat's super froggy. I feel gross. I'm really tired too.

Today was slow and boring. Almost went to a pep rally, but they let ALL of the freshmen in before the Sophomores so none of us got in. It SUCKED. I also got another 5 letters from college's that I had to sign up to get information from. All of this annoys me.

On a positive, I started reading The Looking Glass Wars. It's very good. The artist Bri-chan on deviantart ( inspired me to start reading it. I definitely recommend checking out her Alice in Wonderland comics, the pairings a little awkward, considering it's Hatter and Alice, but it's absolutely adorable. It's my new fandom. I love it.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Okay, today was ah-mazing. Not because it was Valentine's Day (gag), but, because, believe it or not, science fair. Usually science fair's a drag, but this year it was AWESOME. First, it got me out of Japanese (I hate that class with a firey passion) forty-five minutes early. Then, I got to miss all of second period, and some of third, while me and all of my Summit friends waited to be judged. During this whole thing, there was a fire drill and laying under tables where the boards were on.

After we were judged, I went to my third period class and checked in. But it turns out we weren't doing anything in that class, I ate lunch and met back up with some of my friends that were chilling in my English Classroom and stayed there for the remainder of third period. It was soooo much fun, and soooooo crazy.

Then the pain of Valentine's Day came back, and now I feel more emo than usual.


This is the only picture on my Camera that I'm actually in, but I look really bad. Figured what the heck, why not. My friend Win looks really good in it though.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Icy Traffic

My mom, my sister and I were coming back from Annapolis Mall today (we had off school because of primaries) and we had ice on and off all day. So, of course, we got stuck in beyond crazy traffic. We were shuttled from road to road, hitting slowed speeds. Eventually we were about five-ten miles from home and we were stuck in dead stopped traffic. We weren't moving. It ended up taking us an hour to drive what would've taken fifteen on a regular day. It sucked. There's still freezing rain, so we'll probably have at least a two hour delay. Fingers crosssed.

This evening, while doing my impossible geometry that NO ONE knows how to do, I watched the movie Across the Universe. The music was good, but overall the movie was pretty boring. I really didn't like it. It was confusing, but eventually I got the gist of it. I wouldn't recommend it.

Monday, February 11, 2008

>.< shun the nonbelievers

I'm a little hyper today, even though I have a headache. My mom and I are cleaning off my bookshelves so I have a place to put my make up, then I'm gonna chill. I need to go to Sephora to get some new liquid eyeliner too, but I'll probably do that tomorrow. OH, I figured out how to draw people accurately (finally) so I think I'm gonna start a webcomic I've been meaning to start. *thumbs up* Here's hoping it turns out good.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


I've been working very hard for the past three hours to finish my government summaries for our chapter project, as usual, but I needed an emotional break (not really, I'm just side tracked, but an emotional break sounds better). One of my best guy friends turns 16 tomorrow, and he's having an all guy XBOX 360 party tonight. The problem though, is that all of my guy friends are friends with him so I'm incredibly bored. Even my best guy friend isn't texting me at this point. It's been over two hours. *sigh* He must be having fun. I'm wicked jealous, considering I'm so bored my brain might melt.

Today has sucked pretty bad. My dad took me out to play tennis again today. He made me run laps like a real coach would, so, yeah, it sucked. I hate running with a firey passion. I mean, it hurts, I don't look good running, and I'm not fast AT ALL. Especially not for long distances. Also, we had Mexican food for dinner (I really don't like it) so I didn't eat much. Also, I had to rehabilitate my computer yesterday (pretty much wipe the harddrive back to factory state), so I spent today moving all my music back, but I'm not sure I got it all, so it's probably all curropted. This whole deal was caused by AIM 6.5, which curropts files on Windows Vista and just causes problems. I almost lost sound, but whatever.

Good news is though, my webcam works now! Hopefully I can use it soon, for something. I dunno what yet though.... I'll figure it out eventually.

Another thing that happened today was that my friend Heather came and visited, she moved back in 8th grade to North Carolina, and she moved back earlier this school year. It was nice to see her.

Me and my dad are going to the mall tomorrow, I need an outfit for a lobbying day thing that's going on at school. We're going to the state capital so I need a professional outfit and shoes too. We're gonna go to Tyson's Corner, which is one of my favorite malls because of how massive it is, and all the nice resturaunts too. It has a huge Nordstroms, a Bloomingdales, a ginormous Sephora, and a big Lord and Taylor. It's a reasonably long drive though, so I'll have to load up my Zune.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Out for Blood

I've been beyond stressed. I'm getting a B in chemsitry because our teacher has been giving us tests on stuff that have nothing to do with what she's teaching us, so I end up studying the wrong thing and getting bad grades. So now, I have to raise my grade at LEAST 10 percentage points, which will be near impossible. I haven't done this bad all year, two quarters, doing the same routine and doing FANTASTIC, then third quarter comes and everything's crazy hard. I have 5 weeks to bring my grade up. I have to buckle down and NOT FAIL. Also I have a test on monday in government, and I'm barely scraping an A in there so I have to at least get an A or a high B to keep it that way.

So, now I need to start on my most recent project so I can go to the mall this weekend. I need an outfit for the SGA lobbying day that's coming up in two weeks, that looks half decent. Another thing on my agenda is that I have to pick three elective alternatives to put on my registration for next year. I have NO idea what I'm gonna take. No idea whatsoever. Ugh. School sucks.

I reallly want to go to this Spring Gala that's at the Kennedy Center in May. It's a big tribute to the best of movies and music in movies featuring the national Symphony Orchestra. It's being conducted by John Williams!!! How amazing is that??!! But we can't go, it's at least $1,000 a plate, just for one person, and you get crappy seats. I still want to go though, I haven't had many opportunities this year to buy a really nice formal dress, at least, not as many as I usually have.

Now, I'm gonna go take a shower and work on my government project. It shouldn't be too bad. I wanna finish about half of it today, then half tomorrow, and all the extra stuff on Saturday. Wish me luck.

P.S. These are two of my favorite music videos right now. Check it!

(Even though this is more of a movie than a music video, Jared Leto is HOT. End of story. That's all there is.)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

hug an asian day

Today was the hug asian day event on face book, and thursday is hug a blond day... here's what I want to know, WHEN IS HUG THE BRUNETTE GIRL DAY???? I NEED LUV.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Today was, well, okay. Me, my mom, and my sister went and saw 27 Dresses today. It was really cute, lots of funny oneliners. My favorite line was, "I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written for a sandwich." It was a good movie though, overall.

I finished my first individual art project today. My old art teacher assigns me four individual assignments a month and I do one each week. This is so I can skip Art II which I couldn't take this year due to scheduling issues. That way I can take Art III as a junior, and AP Art Studio as a senior. It was an easy project, it took me a while cause I was watching a movie as I finished it.

Now, my dad's on the phone with the Zune customer service, trying to fix the stupid explicit content issue.

Oh, and just a little "BTW" I DON'T WANNA GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOMORROW *cries*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Worst. Friday. Ever.

I have officially declared today the WORST FRIDAY EVER. I had to wake up earlier than usual for a dermatologist appointment, PLUS we almost had a 2 hour delay but all the snow from yesterday melted. I couldn't put on make up this morning to distract people from my current skin ailment, and I didn't have time for a decent breakfast. I've been grumpy since this morning. I had a stupid chemistry test today which was a total drag and lunch was emotastic. Now I'm at Red Robin about to eat (I didn't get a healthy snack since my dad was rewiring the kitchen and painting the kitchen). My upconverting DVD player I got for Christmas has to be returned because its just not working (I swear, I should be PAID to torture test electronics) and I'll then get another DVD player which will proceed to break. So yeah. today SUCK AND ITS FRIDAY. Taccara's coming over tomorrow and we might come back to the mall and shop. Should be fun.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Emooooo... -UPDATE-

I got my strawberry ice cream!! So today has become infinitely better!! I'm happy!! And stress cause I wanted to go to bed at a reasonable time and THAT probably won't happen tonight. But it ended on a good note!


I'm not feeling fantastic today. I'm really worried about science fair. I dunno when I'm gonna get to do the experiment. Our chemistry teacher wasn't here today so I couldn't talk to her about the experiment. So I'm gonna email her later, hopefully it'll work out. I still need to type up the procedure... ANYWAY, I'm upset because my sisters been sick cause she wasn't eating right, so we had to go out to where SHE wanted to go (happened to be somewhere I really don't like) and my dad was like "Be a trooper." So, I was, even though, no one's ever a trooper when I want to go somewhere, but whatever. We went and they had strawberry milkshakes. My mom pointed it out because of my whole strawberry ice cream break down yesterday. I was like, no, I really want ice cream, not a milkshake. My mom said "Well, your dad says maybe we can get some later." Then my sister cried because she wouldn't get any (even though we went to eat where SHE wanted), so my dad was put off by that. Then, we were coming out of Blockbuster later this evening and my sister was like "Aren't we gonna get ice cream?" And my dad goes "No. She didn't want a milkshake at the restaurant, so she doesn't get one." Now, I have no ice cream. It's disappointing. Sometimes I just feel, you know, unappreciated.

Oh, on another note, our schools having a Winter Valentine's Dance. It is just a negative thing. I mean, Valentine's day sucks enough as it is, especially since I'm perpetually single. Homecoming was wicked fun, but this won't be any fun since it's a Valentine's Dance, so it'll be awkward without a date. Since I won't have a date, that's pretty much guaranteed, I probably won't be going unless one of my friends drags me into it. Then I'll have to go get a dress, and dress shopping always stinks for me, then I'll be depressed at the Dance. The person I like will probably end up going with someone else so I'll be like all depressed when I see him. And I currently only like one person, so it would be weird going with anyone else. I dunno what my problem is. *sigh* Sometimes I just wish I recluse.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Strawberry Ice Cream

You know what, I was talking to my friend, Britt this afternoon while looking at a web comic (Megatokyo for those who are curious) and one of the artists messages was that he gave one of the server's that ran the site strawberry ice cream. Now, ever since then, I've had the unsatiable urge for strawberry ice cream. I mean, it's such a happy color (bright pink) and with rainbow sprinkles on a cone it is downright nostalgic, even if you didn't have a taste for strawberry when you were little. So I really want strawberry ice cream, and my parentals refuse to drive me. Maybe I can convince my Dad to drive me out to buy some while my sister studies. Hmmmm....

Monday, January 14, 2008

Pissedddd... I mean C'MON!!!

Okay, so my current frustration is based around my zune. Now, the device itself is beyond amazing, I've loved it since I got it. My anger is simply software based. It all started when I updated the firmware on my zune three weeks ago. My desktop isn't hooked up to the internet, so the software on the desktop wasn't up to date. This led me to update my software on my computer. But the software doesn't do, like, anything unless the computer's hooked up to the internet, and if you do the usual buy music from iTunes then load it onto your computer, then relabel the albums so everything matches, the music gets all mislabeled. So I hooked my desktop up to the internet. It still didn't work. Then I transferred ALL of my music from my desktop to my laptop. The software worked, but the album art didn't show up, so I added a bunch. Finally I was just like "screw it" and went out and bought a Zune Card for $25 so I could just buy the music I wanted and not have to deal with it. NOW, the stupid Zune Marketplace won't let me buy explicit content even though it says I'm allowed to. So, currently I'm pissed off cause I spent $25 to buy music, which I can't buy because the Zune Marketplace says I'm too young.

Here's the kicker though. I went to support to see the problem and it was like "There is no solution to this problem. Check out or Forums for support." So I did. No one was dishing out "support" just a bunch of people pissing and moaning about the same problem I had. And there wasn't and e-mail address or phone number to be found. But I realized I had an email with a number. And they WILL be getting a call tomorrow.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


That's the only word I can think of right now to describe my day. Craptastic. It started out pretty okay, I had difficulty waking up since I was having a good, but awkward dream. I got to school on time though. Geometry was as fun as math gets (a bunch of my guy friends are in that class and they're all reaaaallly funny). But then we got into Chemistry. We had a quiz (which was easy) and boring notes which caused my brain to melt. Then I went to Government where we talked most of the time about which classes we're taking next year. If scheduling works out right, I'll be taking 4 AP classes next year, which will be no small feat. Hopefully none of them are as difficult as Government. We'll see though.

After Government though I was in Graphic Design. The only other girl at the table skipped with her best friend, though so it was just me and four incredibly pervy guys, who live for the sake of making fun of me. When I got home I had a bit of a stomachache so I took a nap until around 5. Now I have to study for an extremely stupid Japanese test tomorrow. Don't even get me started on Japanese. I'm in Japanese 2 and all the people I know who are in Japanese 1 are learning the EXACT SAME THINGS AS ME!!!! WAS THAT YEAR OF TORTURE A WASTE!!!?!?? WTF!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Today has been, yet another, blah day in the story of my life. The only realitviely interesting thing that happened was that I got mad at one of my friends and gave him ten minutes of stoney silence (which I broke when all was fixed). What happened was really petty and I was just in a piss poor mood, so it bugged me more than usual. Pretty much what set me off was my friend was borrowing my chemistry flash cards that I had brought to school. But he was using them during a geometry lecture. They got taken so I couldn't use them to study for the Chemistry quiz we were supposed to have today. We got them back so it didn't really matter. PLUS, our Chemistry teacher wasn't even here today so we didn't have the quiz at all.

I had a stomach ache and a headache for the second half of the day. I also completely embarrased my self in Government when I couldn't pronounce "appropriations" (Britt saved my ass though by saying the word. THANK YOU BRITT!!!). Also I realized that I wrote a note on the desk along the lines of "WTF happened to this desk?", forgot that I wrote it, and ended up responding to myself. I felt like a loser. Gawd.

I went to art club, but the library was occupied so we couldn't work on the murals we've been doing for the past three meetings. I couldn't stay though because I didn't feel well, so my mom agreed to pick me up at Three o'clock rather than 3:45. So, at 2:57 I was in the lobby and my mom hadn't even left the house yet. I ended up standing out in the freakish January heat for fifteen minutes until my mom finally picked me up.

Now I'm at home, my homework's all finished for tomorrow, except I have to write a description of a photo I took for photography class. I ate dinner and I'm about to go to the AP Information Night to figure out what AP classes I'm taking next year. Then I'm cleaning out my closet when I get home. Wheeee.... sounds like soooo much fun. >.< Other than that though. There's nothing to do. God, I need a life.

Monday, January 7, 2008


Today was boring and average. Good news was homework was super easy, so it took me like 10 minutes. Now I'm talking to my friend Britt on the phone, and writing up this blog. Yesterday was depressing was because I got this reaaaalllly cute pair of blue pumps on Saturday but my daddy made me take them back. I was using them to fill the gap where the Uggs I really want (grey Cardy's) should be. But apparently I'm not the only one who really wants them. They're on back order at Nordstrom until DECEMBER 2008!!!! THAT'S FOREVER!!! TWELVE MONTHS!!! You can get them on eBay, but all of them are at least $180. So yeah, I'm screwed. Ugggggh... lol that's actually pretty ironic (Ugg...Ugh. okay, I'll stop now). Now I don't have any amazing new shoes!! Hopefully I'll find them eventually.
Anyway on an entirely different note, I ate lunch yesterday at Champps in Columbia with my dad (reallllly good burgers) and while I was there, I was iming my friend, Win. I was like "Yeah, I'm eating lunch in Columbia at Champps." and he goes "Oh. I dun kno where that is?" All I could think was "Do you LIVE in a box?" I mean, seriously. Maybe I'm weird for knowing a mall other than the closest one, but why wouldn't you know where a city that's only like 25 miles from where you live is? Or at least know that it exists.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

At the Mall

So right now I'm at the mall with my sister and Grammy. There are two pairs of shoes at Nordstorm I wanna buy but I can't afford both. It really sucks. So one pair is blue with a zipper across the top and rhinestones and the other is a white pink blue and green plaid. They're both really cute. I'll put a picture up once I get one of them so whoever is wasting their life reading this can see. Lol.

Friday, January 4, 2008

First Post!

So, yeah, one of my BFFs Britt just started one of these so I figured I would too! There isn't really any purpose for this, but you know, no reason not too. I need something to do this weekend. I have homework like crazy, I should be able to finish pretty quickly. One thing I'm excited about is me, Britt, and one of our other friends might go see Sweeny Todd (I already saw it but I loved it, so I wanna see it again). Should be fun though.