Thursday, February 7, 2008

Out for Blood

I've been beyond stressed. I'm getting a B in chemsitry because our teacher has been giving us tests on stuff that have nothing to do with what she's teaching us, so I end up studying the wrong thing and getting bad grades. So now, I have to raise my grade at LEAST 10 percentage points, which will be near impossible. I haven't done this bad all year, two quarters, doing the same routine and doing FANTASTIC, then third quarter comes and everything's crazy hard. I have 5 weeks to bring my grade up. I have to buckle down and NOT FAIL. Also I have a test on monday in government, and I'm barely scraping an A in there so I have to at least get an A or a high B to keep it that way.

So, now I need to start on my most recent project so I can go to the mall this weekend. I need an outfit for the SGA lobbying day that's coming up in two weeks, that looks half decent. Another thing on my agenda is that I have to pick three elective alternatives to put on my registration for next year. I have NO idea what I'm gonna take. No idea whatsoever. Ugh. School sucks.

I reallly want to go to this Spring Gala that's at the Kennedy Center in May. It's a big tribute to the best of movies and music in movies featuring the national Symphony Orchestra. It's being conducted by John Williams!!! How amazing is that??!! But we can't go, it's at least $1,000 a plate, just for one person, and you get crappy seats. I still want to go though, I haven't had many opportunities this year to buy a really nice formal dress, at least, not as many as I usually have.

Now, I'm gonna go take a shower and work on my government project. It shouldn't be too bad. I wanna finish about half of it today, then half tomorrow, and all the extra stuff on Saturday. Wish me luck.

P.S. These are two of my favorite music videos right now. Check it!

(Even though this is more of a movie than a music video, Jared Leto is HOT. End of story. That's all there is.)

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