Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I'm not feeling fantastic today. I'm really worried about science fair. I dunno when I'm gonna get to do the experiment. Our chemistry teacher wasn't here today so I couldn't talk to her about the experiment. So I'm gonna email her later, hopefully it'll work out. I still need to type up the procedure... ANYWAY, I'm upset because my sisters been sick cause she wasn't eating right, so we had to go out to where SHE wanted to go (happened to be somewhere I really don't like) and my dad was like "Be a trooper." So, I was, even though, no one's ever a trooper when I want to go somewhere, but whatever. We went and they had strawberry milkshakes. My mom pointed it out because of my whole strawberry ice cream break down yesterday. I was like, no, I really want ice cream, not a milkshake. My mom said "Well, your dad says maybe we can get some later." Then my sister cried because she wouldn't get any (even though we went to eat where SHE wanted), so my dad was put off by that. Then, we were coming out of Blockbuster later this evening and my sister was like "Aren't we gonna get ice cream?" And my dad goes "No. She didn't want a milkshake at the restaurant, so she doesn't get one." Now, I have no ice cream. It's disappointing. Sometimes I just feel, you know, unappreciated.

Oh, on another note, our schools having a Winter Valentine's Dance. It is just a negative thing. I mean, Valentine's day sucks enough as it is, especially since I'm perpetually single. Homecoming was wicked fun, but this won't be any fun since it's a Valentine's Dance, so it'll be awkward without a date. Since I won't have a date, that's pretty much guaranteed, I probably won't be going unless one of my friends drags me into it. Then I'll have to go get a dress, and dress shopping always stinks for me, then I'll be depressed at the Dance. The person I like will probably end up going with someone else so I'll be like all depressed when I see him. And I currently only like one person, so it would be weird going with anyone else. I dunno what my problem is. *sigh* Sometimes I just wish I recluse.

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