Friday, January 18, 2008

Worst. Friday. Ever.

I have officially declared today the WORST FRIDAY EVER. I had to wake up earlier than usual for a dermatologist appointment, PLUS we almost had a 2 hour delay but all the snow from yesterday melted. I couldn't put on make up this morning to distract people from my current skin ailment, and I didn't have time for a decent breakfast. I've been grumpy since this morning. I had a stupid chemistry test today which was a total drag and lunch was emotastic. Now I'm at Red Robin about to eat (I didn't get a healthy snack since my dad was rewiring the kitchen and painting the kitchen). My upconverting DVD player I got for Christmas has to be returned because its just not working (I swear, I should be PAID to torture test electronics) and I'll then get another DVD player which will proceed to break. So yeah. today SUCK AND ITS FRIDAY. Taccara's coming over tomorrow and we might come back to the mall and shop. Should be fun.

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