Recently, I've been having a lot of trouble with Chemistry. I honestly, just haven't understood the chapter we're currently working on. But today, things are looking up. My teacher explained everything I wanted to know, so now I understand most of the chapter, she put in my extra credit so my grade's up to an 85, which I will definitely be able to jack up to a 90- something so I can get all A's again. She also announced what the extra credit essay is so I can start working on it and get some more extra credit. Now I'm about to start studying so I can ace the test we have tomorrow (supposedly it might be postponed until Monday, we'll see though).

Last weekend, the day of the Oscar's, my Dad and I went and saw No Country for Old Men, which was incredible and definitely earned the honor of Best Picture. The bad guy in that movie was crazy creepy. His main weapon through the movie was some sort of oxygen tank that shot gas into people at super high speeds like a completely silent gun. It was sooooo weird, but amazing at the same time. I definitely recommend it, even though it had a sort of Sopranos-ish ending.
Okay, I'm gonna go study for Chemistry, and hopefully go to bed at a decent hour.